Friday, April 4

Worst Bravo Hostess - You Decide

Ha, like anyone actually reads this blog.

Step It Up & Dance

Why the hell is Elizabeth Berkley hosting this show? And why does she look like a waxy, orange Barbie? And how does she still have a career?

Really, I can't past this to watch the show. Look at the picture on the right. She looks like the freakin' crypt keeper!

Oh wait, there's dancing. Yeah I'm ok again.

I love dance shows, but . . . I don't know. I just don't care about all these bitches and their crying? They should have called this show "SHUT UP and Dance."

Sunday, March 30

'John Adams' is Boring

paul giamatti and laura linneyThis is the fourth episode of the HBO mini-series and I just can't take it anymore. I've been open to the series -- everyone said the book was brilliant and I'm such a fan of Laura Linney and Paul Giamati, but I JUST DON'T CARE ANYMORE. I've given them over four hours of my life (since each episode lasts slighting over 60 mins.) and I can't commit to anymore.

I understand the desire to look back at the great men and women who helped to shape our country, particularly as we are entering a treacherous era both in domestic and international affairs. However, there is only so much we can learn from our founding fathers at this point. Society has changed so much since 1776 that we might do better to examine our more recent Presidents in looking toward the future. Where is the in-depth biography and mini-series of FDR or Teddy Roosevelt.

Wednesday, January 2

Should TV Viewers Go On Strike?

Today all the nighttime shows -- Conan, The Daily Show, Colbert Report, etc. -- come back on tonight without their writers. I'm thrilled that I get new episodes of The Daily Show & Colbert Report, but I do feel a little guilty that I'm planning on tuning in.

I know that people in Hollywood (including lowly paid writers) make a hell of lot more than I do, so why should I even be concerned about an industry strike I'm not involved in. Well, all strikes have a point and they usually shed light on some labor issue that applies to all industries -- better hours, pay, benefits, etc. It's hard to see the point when a strike disrupts your life (like when the MTA strikes in NYC and you have to walk 50 blocks to work), but I think we can all agree that not having new TV shows on in February is not the end of the world. Maybe it's because I work in new media and I don't have a union to speak for me, but I now that there is money to made in this field and that the workers in it are often over-worked (70 hour work weeks are expected) and under-compensated.

So, when my shows come back to night, do I just sit back and enjoy, or do I show support by not tuning in? It's not a question of whether the hosts are correct in their decision to come back -- I think it's great that they're thinking of their non-union staff who would otherwise be out of work. I suppose I'll cave in and watch, because I'm so conditioned to turn on my TV as soon as I walk in the door. I'm not sure I could just sit on the couch and read a book, or even meditate. But it's certainly something we should all consider before we readily tune in tonight. If the producers don't think writers have any value, what value could they possible put on the viewers?