Friday, June 3

Infinity has driven me into the arms of satellite radio


I was just out driving and I went to listen to WCBS-FM which is this great oldies station in NYC. So I was a little surprised when I heard the Beastie Boys. I mean I know they've been adding more recent stuff to their mix to lower the demographic, but this was ridiculous.

But it's not WCBS-FM. Now it's the new Jack FM. Which might be ok if they were playing new jack swing, cause what the world needs now is Bel Biv Devoe and old-school Bobby Brown. But noooooooo . . . it's another crappy mix station with No Doubt, U2, and all that crap. Now WCBS is only on the internet.

Well thanks Infinity. Now you've made it real easy for me to cough up the money for satellite radio. Oh, and this summer I'm listening to 101.5 by the pool.

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