Friday, May 13

Vera Bradley is the new Louis Vuitton

I'm sorry to say it, but it's true. The other day I was walking the streets of NYC and saw faux-Vera Bradleys being sold next to the faux Louis Vuittons. This trend has been creeping up for a while. Quilted paisley bags seem to be just too fashionable to stay the domain of old ladies, and as such, are starting to pop up on younger women.

If you've never had the pleasure of seeing a Vera Bradley, here's a link. Bleh. I would give you a photo, but XDrive doesn't like my credit cards. Damn them.

My friend actually has two Vera Bradleys and she loves them. "They're roomy and I like the patterns. So shut up FF!," my BFF has commented. I'm not swayed, as I told my former co-worker AM as we were walking down Fifth Avenue.

"AM, promise me if you ever see me with a Vera Bradley, you'll shoot me."
"Murder-suicide, baby. I'm all over that."

Thank goodness for friends with similar fashion sense.

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