Tuesday, November 13

Fall finales

Fox spent last week eagerly hyping its "fall finale" of Prison Break. As the writer's strike continues to cause ripples throughout the world of scripted television, this could look like a blessing. Fans of the show will have a conclusion that will tide them over until new episodes can be produced, unlike other shows which will just abruptly cease airing new episodes.

However, this fall finales trend has been going on for some years now and I'd like start a discussion as to whether these are actually helpful to viewers. Last fall I was absolutely engrossed in Heroes as were many Americans. I was desperate to know whether or not Peter and the gang would "Save the Cheerleader. Save the World." When the event finally occurred I felt a rush of satisfaction, but also a lot of disappointment. It was no surprise when the Season 1 finale rolled around that I felt it was all very anti-climatic. There was so much hype and promise and delivery from the "fall finale" that I didn't need anymore resolution.

I hope networks start treating their viewers with more respect. We're media savvy - we understand sweeps ratings, product placement, hell we can even get our favorite programs from places other than TV now. By trying to stick to a outdated profit model, networks are losing site on what will really keep us coming back - quality shows that run uninterrupted so that we can tune in and enjoy. They don't always have to be amazing (even the best shows go through rough patches) but they do have to be consistent.

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